Essay – Major changes, expected in traditions of indian families post corona pandemic

*Major changes, expected in tradition of indian families post corona pendamic*

What if social gatherings will be avoided, like a big fat indian wedding will converted into just a family task of few close people.
What if we can’t call a far standing people just by watching his/her face because his face is covered with masks ? .This corona virus, makes physically impact but it is going to be more than that in every aspect of mankind.
Below, we will discuss that what corona make impact on traditions of indian families.

The indian family’s, greeting going to change a lot due to corona. India had many religions and their unique way of greetings are practiced.
* Let’s take Hindu greetings, touching feets to elder (Pranaam) and putting hand on the head to the younger(Ashirvaad). After this pandemic, the touching will be avoided and rather will use joining hands ‘Namaste’.
I must add that a hindu community Devasi (also known rebari) greeting people by kissing their hands. And it will be difficult to the community to change and accept a different greeting style.
*Muslim usually hug a number of times each other as greeting (Muanakka), it should be avoided and use ‘Salaam’ lifting right hand to the forehead.
And many ways greeting practices should change after this problem.

India always highlighted for the indian wedding traditions. The panditji, caterers, sound artist, decoration, guards etc. are the people of 100+ going to reduced just to avoid such large gatherings and relatives will be countable.
Many customs and tradition related to bride and  bridegroom will be practiced with care or else will be avoided.
*Suspecting eyes towards a unhealthy/sick person*

Whether it is cousin or own sibbling, it will going to make a meter distance if he/she is coughing or sneezing more than one time. And will be seen as suspection of corona or any other disease.

Tradition is to take ritual baths in ganga, attending kumbh, hajj pilgrimage will be surely impacted by the covid.
The corona dilemma reached to the villages, so it will be not easy to draw out the fear from the people.
*Just as example – 10 rupees coin was banned as it was spread in the villages, now the govt. sent messages to every mobile that 10 rupees coins are allowed but still they don’t accept in villages.*

Way forward,
For the indian families it will not going to hard, as they were moving to the western fashions. Shaking hands and hugging. Now Namastey is accepted all over the world.
 And in weddings, large gatherings costs a lot to the hosting family. Now they will get some relief and not just the sake of society to impress.
*Cleanliness* in every work will be prior as in tradition or having food.

Rivers are more clean in one month than the govt.’s many scheme and money funding.
Now, if indian family don’t reflect back as before, it will be good for nature and the traditional ‘ganga maiyya’ and the mother rivers.
It is questionable to every believer that what we made to the nature ?, We thought we were doing for god ?.

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